International Iran Summer School on Quantum Information 2008

IISSQI 2008 - poster

The International Iran Summer School on Quantum Information 2008 (IISSQI-08) provided introductory, tutorial-style presentations on the theory, implementations, and applications of quantum information by leading international researchers from the disciplines of physics, computer science, and mathematics. The summer school took place over two weeks and included poster sessions for participants to present their own work. The topics of the summer school include:

  • Computational models
  • Entanglement
  • Implementations of quantum information
  • Many body systems
  • Mathematical methods for quantum information
  • Quantum channels
  • Quantum cryptography
  • Quantum error correction
  • Quantum information with atoms and photons
  • Quantum simulation
  • Relativity and quantum information
  • Topological quantum computation

There was 3 hours of lecture and 1.5 hour of tutorial per day in each of the two weeks of the summer school. In addition, a few hours each week were allocated for research talks by presenters and participants of the summer school.

Presenter Title
Fatemeh Ahmadi Fidelity of Two-particle Wave Packets Moving around the Schwarzschild Spacetime
Mehdi Ahmadi Fidelity of two-particle wave packets moving around a schwartzchid spacetime
Sahar Alipour Exact symmetry breaking ground states for quantum spin chains
Sahar Alipour Two new quantum spin chains and their exact ground states
Mostafa Annabestani Creating useful multi-particle state with Quantum Random walk
Nadja K Bernardes Quantum Error Correction for Hybrid Quantum Repeater
Maryam Boozarjmehr How to couple QDs to L3 Photonic Crystal Nanocavitiy to Supress the Photon Numbers?
Ahdieh Delfan Abazari Towards unambiguous quantum state discrimination in an optical memory
Leila Eslami Effects of spin scattering on transmission properties of an electron in a quantum ring with two magnetic impurities
Mohammad A Fasihi Aghabloagh Generalized Grassmannian coherent states for Pseudo-Hermitian n-level level Systems and their entanglement
Marco G Genoni A measure of the non-Gaussian character of a quantum state
Roohollah Ghobadi Optical bistability in a cavity with moving mirror
Yamen Hamdouni On the application of the quantum central limit theorem
Mohammad Khamedi Entanglement of bipartite coherent systems
Abdollah Langari Entanglement in Kondo-necklace model
Laleh Memarzadeh Matrix Product Representations for all Valence Bond States
Afshin Montakhab Dynamics of global entanglement under decoherence
Kobra Nasiri Avanaki Carbon nanowire as an information channel
Yukihiro Ota Robustness of non-adiabatic geometrical quantum gates from the viewpoint of composite pulses
Masud Rana Rashel Use photon for message sending on the basis of entanglement Law
Mahdi Rezaei Karamati Connection between Quantum tomography based on projective representation and wavelet transform in Banach spaces
Vahid Salari Entanglement fidelity and teleportation of entangled coherent states
Zahra Shadman On superdense coding with noisy channels
Zahra Shaterzadeh-Yazdi Quantum Computing with Dangling Bonds on a Silicon Surface
Vahid Karimipour Sharif University of Technology, Iran
Martin Plenio University of Ulm, Germany
Terry Rudolph Imperial College, United Kingdom
Barry Sanders University of Calgary, Canada
Vahid Karimipour Sharif University of Technology, Iran
Laleh Memarzadeh Sharif University of Technology, Iran
Seyed Reza Mousavi Sharif University of Technology, International Campus, Iran
Zahra Shaterzadeh-Yazdi University of Tehran, Iran
Sahar Alipour Aalto University, Finland
Sima Baghbanzadeh Sharif University of Technology, Iran
Abolfazl Bayat University of Ulm, Germany
Amir Feizpour University of Toronto, Canada
Khabat Heshami University of Calgary, Canada
Sadegh Raeisi Sharif University of Technology, Iran
Afsaneh Sadrolashrafi Georgia Institute of Technology, United States